Ladybug Control

Swarms of Ladybugs can be an issue for homeowners and businesses. Eastern Pine Pest Control offers Lady Bug services through our Pest Prevention Plan.

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Too Many LadyBugs?

Lady Bugs are cute and seen as good luck by some. Sometimes there can be hundreds of them which can become a nuisance. If you’re looking for Ladybug Control, give us a call today.

An Overwintering Insect

Lady bugs are overwintering insects. They enter the wall voids and attics of homes in late Summer and early Fall months and hibernate throughout the winter.

They re-emerge in late winter / early Spring and aim to return outside but often find themselves stuck inside homes.

It’s best to treat before Ladybugs arrive

We treat before ladybugs arrive to repel them away from your home. Sealing up common entry points along the exterior siding and foundation is also important in preventing ladybug infestations.

"We practice integrated pest management to protect your home, family, and pets from harmful pests."

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